Suvar Christmas

This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with Paul's family. We stayed overnight with his mom and dad and stayed up late playing games. We of course had the traditional villia dinner which of course was delicious. We also managed to get a group photo of the fam with all 3 kids being happy (or at least not crying). As a gift I received 2 matching Christmas trees. I want to put them on either side of my front door but since we didn't get a tree this year, I set one up inside (Thank you, Becky!)


  1. been thinking about you lots. how are things going with the job situation? my prayers are with you.

  2. That little elf of yours could charm even the Grinch :-)

    I am SO sad that I'll miss you this weekend. Ergh. It's all my own fault too. Double ergh. Have fun and don't let the Steffenitous get to you :-)


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