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Owen and Hannah went to the doctor yesterday for their (late) 2 year and 6 month appointments. Owen is weighing in at 31 lb13 oz and Hannah is a hefty 19 lbs 6 oz (both of them are in the 95 percentile : )
In case the pictures need a little explanation: Owen loves to roll Hannah around on the floor, and surprisingly she loves it too??? And the other shot is of Owen using the head of a broken golf club to "drill" holes in the bookcase. He saw his uncles, grandpa, and daddy using a drill over the weekend and I think the image stuck with him : ) He is getting an imagination and I love it.
And a side note, little Reid went in for surgery this morning to repair a hernia - please pray for healing for Reid and patience for Chet and Amanda.
I love your new big family picture! It put a huge smile on my face...missed seeing you at Thanksgiving, that's for sure! Hopefully we'll get to spend some time at Christmas. Love ya!