A reason to be thankful...

In case you don't already know, Paul lost his job from ITT a week before Thanksgiving. It has been a different last week I must say, and the Holidays are taking on a different light for sure. Surprisingly I am not freaking out (yet). I have sat down and cried, but then got up and moved on. : ) A few people have made the comment that we might have to think a little harder of something to be thankful for (given the current circumstances) but I beg to differ:

I am thankful that we have 2 healthy children

I am thankful for the warm home we still have

I am thankful that our cupboards are full of food and we really don't need to shop for awhile (I'm going to get creative with beans : )

I am thankful that I get to have Paul home with me for a little bit during this cold weather and during the cozy Christmas season

I am thankful that God has opened up new opportunities for Paul to possibly work elsewhere or even in a different line of work

Most of all, I am thankful that God was and is in control and that His Son still saves

Unfortunately, we did not get to spend any time with my family in Illinois during Thanksgiving as previously planned, which really bummed me out. Hopefully we will be able to make it at Christmas. But we did have a great time with the Suvar's over the holiday weekend. We spent Turkey Day with Paul's uncle, aunt, and cousins and then stayed the next two nights with Paul's brother Ben and his wife. We of course had endless amounts of food and a few deals were found on Black Friday. As you can see from the pictures, Alayna just keeps growing, Hannah is now sitting on her own, and Owen continues to love on Hannah.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have something as wonderful as I do to be thankful for.


  1. Even before you said it I thought to myself, "Well, she's got all that food in her cupboard that she canned earlier this year!"

    Sorry to hear about Paul's job, but hopefully like you said, it's the start of something good.


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