Just FYI: some of us are not OK


Intentional Relationships.

I knew it as soon as my eyes opened. It was going to be one of those days.


The day felt dark and overwhelming. My legs felt sluggish and my mind slow to start.


There wasn’t anything in particular that made me feel this way. Or perhaps it was everything that did. Depression doesn’t always operate by a formula. And despite having the right tools to be pro-active and head it off, sometimes it finds a new way to come in.


I went through the motions of the day. I know the motions by now and can hide the hard parts from the kids while I shuttle them off to school. But then, in the silence, alone, it’s a little harder to fight.


I made it mid-morning, without a whole lot of productive things accomplished, when the phone dinged.


A text. From a friend. Just reaching out to say she was thinking of me and wondering how I was doing.


It didn’t make me do a 180 on my mental state. I continued through my day as I had before, struggling. But the load was just a bit lighter. The cloud wasn't as dark, the fog in my mind had lifted slightly. That text definitely helped.


And so, I encourage you. If someone comes to mind - call them, text them, write them a letter. You may be exactly who they need to hear from in that moment. Even as the days are getting longer and the sun is out more, we may find ourselves wrapped up in summer activities… and assume everyone else is with theirs as well. They may be wrapped up in it all, but they're struggling while doing so.


Please, reach out. Because I assure you, those who are low and depressed don’t always, actually - rarely, ask for it. They need it desperately but they won’t vocalize it.


So many things are trying to pull our relationships apart. Hate, division, strife, disease. But we don’t have to let it win.



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