February Lookback

3 separate birthday celebrations

A winter storm that brought a foot of snow

Still trying to  feel our way along through a pandemic.

And grateful for the times we were able to see family because of the antibodies we all developed over Christmas!

Some peoples' lives have lots of exciting things happening. That may be our life someday.  But, for now, it's living with joy where we've been placed, working with what we've got, and shining the Light as bright as we can.

Here's our corner of the world in February....


Madeline turns 11. The first, and maybe only time, I actually bought an ice cream cake. She caught me in a moment of weakness, I guess.

So much snow. But we've found in recent years, if you dress accordingly, you can enjoy it so much more!

Birthday celebrations with the Steffens. You can almost hear the chaos in the below picture....

A certain 5th grader had to miss her Valentine's party and instead get to have a COVID test instead. I guess the tester knew all the kids coming in were one's who missed parties, because she was handing out pre-made Valentine's to each of them!
Our favorite kind of date - sushi on the couch after the kids are in bed.
With a large winter storm blowing in, we already had school cancelled for the next day. One of our favorite things to do with a snow storm is to go on an adventure walk in it. The clerk at the Dollar General a half mile down the road thinks we're crazy when all it seems is that we walked through the storm to get candy.

My accidental foam art. Can you see the heart?!

One of the best fortunes I've come across. I've got Jesus to thank for that.
The end of a basketball season means a night of "Beat the Parents." Well, the 8th graders tried, but the parents prevailed!
A friend surprised our family with homemade donuts. A great reminder that it's those small gifts that can mean a lot.


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