Intentional Health











If I sit and dwell on what the next 24+ hours could bring, I can feel the anxiety welling up in me. I speak this for whatever the outcome may be. Whether it’s the one I voted for or not. The whole thing just starts to roil inside me. I start to go down the what-ifs and envision the worst case scenarios. My breath shortens, my shoulders tighten, and my stomach flip-flops.

 And then I know I need to stop, take a few deep breaths, and remind myself of Truth.

 I’ve done my part. The right to vote that was hard fought, I went and cast mine. And now I wait on Him.

 In every season, the ones that feel certain and the ones that do not. We do what we can and we wait on His goodness.

 And remind ourselves that He is in control. No matter what the outcome is, it will not be a surprise to Him.

 If you, too, struggle with anxiety like I’m talking about, you know it's not as easy as just “calming down” or “forgetting about it.” Intentional steps have to be taken to combat anxiety, and it's ever grasping tendrils of panic, tension, fatigue, and depression.


And, so I made a list of my intentional steps for the next 48 hours (and really, probably longer!):

1. Shutting off the noise. No news. No social media. No mindless scroll.

2. Getting outside. Even if it’s 40 degrees. Breathing fresh air and reminding myself of the good things that still are.

3. Preaching Truth to myself. Through scripture and prayer. Always going back to the Promises that have never changed.

4. Hugging someone. Studies have shown that an 8 second hug does wonders for the mood (hello, increased happy hormones!). In a year of little physical contact, hugging someone you love takes on a whole new level, doesn't it?

If you are also feeling the rising anxiety of this political season, I encourage you to take some intentional steps, even the 4 stated above, towards a healthier mindset. It's amazing what shutting off noise and filling our hearts with Truth will do for the mind!

May we walk through this day, and the days to come, with our mind, heart, and soul focused on the One who holds it all in His control. Working all for good.

Let's intentionally walk that Way.

With intention, Nichole






Jesus Follower | Wife | Mom | Radical Giver | Seeking to live an Intentional Life and inspire others to come along with me in the Journey


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  1. Thanks for posting this. I fight these same feelings welling up inside me, and your steps to combat the lies and hysteria from Satan are great advice. Thank you!
    Heidi Edelman

    1. I'm so glad it was helpful, Heidi! I've got to keep reminding myself of these intentional steps, too. One day at a time...


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