Intentional Home
that time of year. School is back in session….kinda. Even through it
may look different from every other school year that we know of, there
is still school happening (praise the Lord!) in one form or another.
with our Covid-style school starting up, the lazy days of summer are
diminishing and the hustle of routine and obligations is upon us.
I love routine, I often crave it. But I know with school starting, chaos seems to reign despite the routines that are in place.
I start to feel like everything is "noise"
- kids, making meals,
helping with homework, doing laundry, making sure the kids get where
they need to be, etc - then I feel the need to be able to "quiet" at
least one thing in my life.
A few years ago I came across a blog artice by The Nester
that talked about quieting the house. I instantly felt this was talking
to me and jumped in immediately. I've done it every once in awhile
since then. Often at the start of the school year and right after all
the Christmas decorations come down January 1st.
When the house
is quieted I feel like I am able to focus on other, more important,
things. The noise of the house and all it's clutter isn't screaming for
the attention that I am striving to give elsewhere. This week, if you
are feeling the noise pressing in to you, I encourage you to give this a
shot. Even if it's just one room. See how the quiet makes you feel and
think. And then report back. I would love to hear others experiences
with this exercise.

How to Quiet the House
- Remove every thing smaller than a football and place it on some surface in another room {the breakfast or dining room table will do}
- Don’t forget to clear off your coffee table, shelves {you don’t have to count books but what if you did!} mantle, even walls
- Remove baskets, magazines, plants, pillows, every thing but furniture, lamps, rugs and big art
- Sit in the newly quieted room and soak in the feeling
- Notice any huge “holes” or areas that are too quiet and cold and fill them in with a purposeful item or 3 if you must
- Pack away the rest of the stuff in an easy to get to place, hutch, cabinet, under your bed…give it a week or two, maybe even a month, to see how the new quiet feels.
- Enjoy your new quiet home, that cost you NOTHING!
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