Raising Awareness, Raising Funds

If you have been a reader of this blog very long then you know of our many goodbyes over the past few years as friends have packed up and moved across oceans to serve in the mission field on foreign soil.

At first I took it as a cruel joke that the friend who I felt the most "me" with, was now plane rides away in Zambia. 

And then another family whose kids were close friends of ours is making Papua New Guinea their new home for the next 25+ years.

And Hannah, introverted Hannah, who was so excited to make a friend in Kindergarten, had to say goodbye 2 months later as her friend's family moved to Poland.  
The map that hangs in our house, a daily reminder for prayer and frugality

And there are more.

I am so thankful to be a part of a Sending Church, a Sending Community.  But with that comes some responsibility.

When Paul and I were first married 14 years ago we both felt called to serve in the Mission Field.  Despite different attempts and pursuits, overseas missions never materialized for us.  For a while I was confused.  Why was this placed on my heart, but yet every door was closed that we tried to pursue?

But now, over these past few years of us saying Goodbye, doing the Sending and never doing the  Going, God has made it clear that we are to be in a different role.

At least for now.

Prayer Warriors.  We send by praying.

And financially.  It is our desire to be able to support all the friends we have who have Gone.  Currently that is 13 families/couples.

Our goal is to live minimally off our income and give the majority of our money away.  Given that we are both frugal people, we have a decent handle on that (but still there are struggles!), but it still wasn't enough.

Enter Rodan + Fields.  In November I signed on as a Consultant with this Direct Sales company.  I've used their products for over a year and have loved what it has done for my skin.  

My plan is that all commissions that I make off selling Rodan+Fields Products will go to support our friends in the mission field.

My commission goes to support the Great Commission.

To find out more about the products click on the 
RODAN+FIELDS link at the top right of this page.

I'm not sure where all this journey will take me, but I know that if God led us to it, He will lead us through it.

And whether He keeps us here in America, or ends up leading up to a whole 'nother country, that is the only road I want to be on.


  1. Love the different roles we all play in the kingdom. The Lord is such a creative creator!


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