December Lookback

Ah, December.  The month of ALL OF THE THINGS.

December kept us moving but it was all good.

Thankful for extended family time, random warm weather, a date night, a chance to sleep in, and the the daily reminder of why we need Jesus.

The Suvar Christmas.  We hosted at our house this year. 
13 people under one roof for  3 days.   It worked.

Grandma teaching the granddaughters how to make traditional Slavic nutbreads.

And eating the traditional Vilja dinner

The next weekend we were with the Steffen side.  I forgot my camera (grrr) so had to work with my mediocre camera phone. meh.

Nieces!  All those cheeks need squeezed and kissed.

Cousin love.  Madeline wanted to hold all the children 3 and under.  
Unfortunately only the 7 month old was willing.

We took one evening and drove around the city seeing all of the Christmas lights.  I love taking our kids to see this display; something I grew up seeing every Christmas.

Christmas break was wonderful.  I got to have non-stressed Paul for 2 weeks.  Yes.

I got this shirt for Paul for Christmas.  He wasn't sure about wearing it in public because then people would know that he qualified for Boston.  I told him just to tell them his wife got it for him. :)

Enjoying our Christmas "picnic"

And a Christmas morning attempt at taking a picture of the kids by the tree.  Where's the third....?

She was not interested.


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