Lifesong Mission Moment - May

Michael and Suzanne say they're just an ordinary family. They help out with homework, share family dinners, and try to keep their schedule straight. While this ordinary family started out with three children, God has been leading them on an adventure...

Through a study of Isaiah, God spoke to Suzanne through His Word, piercing her heart to "seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow." (Isaiah 1:16-17) This was the start of a four-year journey leading Suzanne and her husband, Michael, to Ethiopia 3 separate times to adopt 6 precious children.

How in the world could they afford this?

Through the love, support, and generosity of their local orphan ministry, they received matching grants through Lifesong to help fundraise to meet the financial cost of each adoption. The dollar-for-dollar matching grants acted as a catalyst, encouraging others to give, while raising awareness of God's great love for orphaned children. As He had before, God graciously provided:


"Through each expensive overseas adoption, the renovation to our home, numerous medical issues to take care, and buying a 15 passenger van to fit us all, God has provided, without fail, and we have no debt from any of the adoptions." --Michael & Suzanne.

What a beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness to those who trust and obey His Word, showing that He, as only He can, can do extraordinary things in ordinary families.


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