The Tri-State Converges

We started out as a handful of newlyweds, early 20's, still working our way through school.

Paul met Keith through an on campus Bible Study and it was found out that they were both getting married within a few weeks of one another.

One thing led to another and soon we were meeting on Tuesday nights, working through the Word, challenging one another, and helping each other navigate the path of married life + college.

We did that for 2 straight years.  I think the only time we missed a Tuesday was for Christmas break.

I have thanked God countless times for these precious couples He placed in our lives.  God-honoring husbands and wives who have brought about some pretty sweet, Jesus-loving children as well.

Thankful that nearly 13 years later we can sit down and pick right up where we left off.

We now live several hours apart from one another: Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan.

Thank you, Davis's, for hosting the converging of the Tri-State.

We were barely 5 minutes down the road and the kids were asking when our 3 families could get together again.

Soon, honeys, I hope very soon...


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