December Lookback


The season of lights.

I find it ironic in this part of the globe that the longest, darkest day of the year is just 4 days before Christmas.

 It's always darkest right before the dawn.

I love the lights of December.  On trees, on gutters, lampposts, and candles.

Like the whole month is trying to tell us something about the one Light we should all be anticipating.

I've already posted all our Christmas celebration pics, so here is the rest of month, what we did in between.

It was marvelous to experience a true Winter Break for the first time.  January 5th, and the start of school came way too soon.

So we tied up one year and cranked back up for another one.

 December, you left me thankful and content. 

And now, prepare for the onslaught of pictures...

 Maddie's preschool program.  Quite a production.  She was "a family member of Mary"

 Decorating a gingerbread house

 We has secret "elves" delivering us gifts for the 12 days of Christmas (this was for the 4 calling birds).  Thankfully we got to see who it was at the end!  Thanks, Wennigers!

Christmas cookie decorating 

 Maddie may have consumed more sprinkles than what was used for decorating...

 Checking out the downtown Christmas lights

 So great that the Muellers were able to spend an evening with us!

I love how close our kids are in age - and how well everyone got along!

 Finally got one of the adults

 Me giving into the reality of Christmas break.  Pajamas all day and messes will be cleaned up at bedtime.  This particular day the project was "snow."

 Random snoozes on the couch

 We got to spend an entire day taking care of this little guy.  A few girls didn't want to let him go at the end of it all.

 "Twins" dressed up for New Year's Eve Services

So glad we've been able to ring in the last few New Year's with the Wiegands

 Mario Cart generally makes an appearance

 This one's for you, Christa.  You're welcome.


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