November Lookback

November brought us Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving brought us the croupy-up all night hacking-can't breathe through my nose-I'm exhausted sickness that has left us all breathless for a good week.

At any rate, I am just now surfacing and feeling like I have energy enough to sit at the computer and download pictures.

Back to November.

We hosted a potluck night with a few good friends.  Since Novemeber was Adoption and Orphan Awareness Month, everyone brought a food dish from a country where they knew personally of someone who was adopted from, or works with orphans.

 We had Haitian, Indian, Zambian, and Hungarian dishes.

Didn't realize how monochramatic it would all turn out to be - but it was all good!

As it got darker earlier, and colder, more evenings were spent indoors.

 Also, No-shave November was in effect.  This is only about half-way through the month though.  Oddly enough, I didn't want him to shave it when the month was over....?

Just a random picture that Owen wanted me to take one day.

 Maddie had a Thanksgiving Feast at her Preschool.  For her Indian name, she was supposed to pick her favorite action word and favorite animal.  Thus, Sleeps with Cheetah is her name...

Thanksgiving celebrating with the Suvars and Garrisons!  This year we started a Turkey Trot that happened before all the eating began.  Shirts and running tags were made up, turkey calls were handed out to each kid, and Turkey hats were awarded.

 Paul won his hat for finishing first (of course) and Owen was voted the "Most Jive Turkey."  He ran over 2 miles without stopping!

And we wrap up the month with a little tree.  We may need to upgrade the size at some point...


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