June Lookback

 June 2014 was literally unlike any summer we have ever experienced.  The last time we had a June where we did not have to supervise 5+ teenagers and make sure we had work and activities planned daily, our children looked like this:


Hannah (2 months!) was in the midst of battling acid reflux that left her screaming more often than not.  Owen was a curious 2 year old.

But now, 5 years later, we had a June filled with Soccer games, graduations from 1st grade and Kindergarten, family vacation, getting back into gardening (call me crazy, but I love pulling my own weeds!  Someday I'll wish for that help of teenage residents, but for now, I'll enjoy it.), VBS at church, and catching an EVENING ball game.

June 13th we said goodbye to the crazy, rewarding, fulfilling, draining life of Houseparenting at Gateway Woods.  We stepped into the world of preparing for teaching High School Math, Chemistry, and Physics (Paul!) and me taking on an office job (at Gateway! Woot!).  To have evenings with our children has been our biggest thrill.  To have unrushed moments at night before bed is something to be treasured.

We know life is going to start getting crazy once school hits.  So, for now, we look at this time as rest. renewal, and putting up stores for the fall.  Praising God for his provision and faithfulness!

Hannah and Owen and their soccer trophies

 First Grader!

 Welcoming our newest nephew Ryan into the world

 Having a blast on our family vacation with the whole Suvar clan

Taking walks and enjoying the sunsets over Lake Michigan

Group pic before we loaded into our cars and went our separate ways home

 The girls and I found this moth as we were walking out to the mailbox.  
It was close to 6 inches across.

 Taking in a Tincaps game with Grandpa and Grandma.  
The Tincaps lost but we got to see fireworks so...win!


  1. excited for you guys as you enter this new phase! glad you are enjoying your summer! :)


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