It takes a little work

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.  
Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:10

OK.  First I will start off the disclaimer that yes, this is June's verse.  And yes, I am publishing this in July.  No excuse.  Let's move on.

As you know, life for our family has been full of transitions in this past month or so.

One such transition is from being a Houseparent (along with the authority it holds) to being a mentor and friend (and the responsibility that holds!)

As I focused on this verse for June, I thought about the 50+ relationships that I have started in the past 6 years with teenagers.  Some, unfortunately, have fallen off my radar.  Due to them being juveniles, it's hard to find them once they've changed an address or phone number.

I can't remember if it was in my thoughts when I first took on the challenge of houseparenting.  If I knew that these kids wouldn't just be in my life for 9 or so months.  That some of them will most likely be around for life.

I feel like that is where I can apply Romans 12:10.  Where we all can apply it.

With the duties of houseparenting off my plate, I can focus on maintaining and growing those bonds I've started over the past few years.

If there is one truth to this task it is this: Relationships take work.

Scratch that.  GOOD relationships take work.

It takes commitment, devoted time.  Loving with a brotherly love, compassion.  Committed to making the relationship work.  Putting others' needs and interests above my own.

Most importantly, seeking to exude Christ's love in my words and actions.  That they can see that it wasn't just part of my job.

It's how I live life.

What relationship do you have in your life that needs an extra shot of devotion, brotherly love?  Who can you be Jesus to this week?

Christ served in humility.  Who can we look to serve, honoring that person above ourselves?

How can you live out Romans 12:10 today?

To see more in the Romans 12 series click here.


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