February Lookback

At the time, February seems to creep along.  Despite being the shortest month, it seems to have an extra week or two attached.

Maybe because there seemed to be a lot of waiting and hoping in February.  Waiting on insurance, hoping for a decent estimate, waiting on phone calls, hoping for warmer weather, waiting on snow to melt (still waiting on that one!), hoping for school to stay in session, waiting on construction to begin.

But waiting worketh patience, and I can only pray that it worked a little more patience into me.

"I am sure that God keeps no one waiting 
unless he sees that it is good 
for him to wait."- C.S. Lewis

 Tower building

While on duty, celebrating Maddie turning 4

 Then again with family while off duty.  Maddie requested a cake with a baby on it...

 When sweeping, one should wear high heels and a princess dress

 I've said it before, but this child should have an art studio all to herself for all the art she pumps out

 Celebrating January and February birthdays with the Steffens

 She lost her first tooth!  You can can hardly tell since the other one was already halfway in

February 26th marked the day of the start of reconstruction.  
Hoping and waiting on the progress...


  1. That last picture. Oh Nichole, praying that you are buoyed by hope and joy and anticipation!


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