October Lookback

I think that I may have to vote October as my most favorite month.  I think the fact that Fall is in full swing and it's absent of the holiday bustle (although it threatens to encroach more each year).

The school routine has found it's rhythm.

You can still go outside some days with just jeans and a T-shirt.

The sky is a richer blue, the smell of burning leaves or bonfire on the breeze, bright sunshine and cool air.  Mmmmm, yep, my vote is October.

Looking back through the pictures I took, October kept us hopping.  A weekend visiting family in Ohio, running our marathon/ half-marathon, celebrating Owen's 7th birthday, relishing a visit from my newest niece (oh, and my sis and nephew too), and wrapping the month up with a Harvest Party.

Love you, October, see you next year.

 Falling asleep on the couch.  I don't know why, but it's cute every time.

 This girl cracks me up every day.  This time she was setting everyone up to "watch a movie."  Only, there was no screen, no movie.  She did all the voices and sound effects from her rocking chair.

 Loved staying the night at my sister's family's new home.  Lots of running around room for the kids - they enjoyed it too!

 Owen is 7!  Oy, he sure looks grown up.

 Running for Bryer.  Best reason to run - doing it for someone else.  Loved every minute of it.

 Some random "experiment" Owen made for Paul.  I think it consisted of vinegar, oatmeal, juice, salt, and few other things.  The smell was.....spectacular.

 Natalie.  Snuggling sweet newborns which I can then pass back to momma.  Love.

 Hannah's most recent creation: a queen made out of a Styrofoam cup head, chopsticks for arms and legs, and an empty roll from tinfoil for a body.

 Maddie's drawing of our family: from L to R Maddie, Owen, Hannah, Dad, and Mom

 For the Annual Harvest Party our house went as a rainbow.  Keep it simple is what I do.  Hannah and Maddie were the gold at the end of the rainbow, and Owen was their Leprechaun.


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