Turning 31

Two eggs, an English muffin, bacon, coffee, and Cap'n Crunch with Peanuts (thanks Owen) made for me by Paul breakfast while I slept in.

3 handmade birthday cards and a love letter

A phone call from mom

Texts from dad and siblings

A surprise coffee and gift from a friend

A chance to read in the quiet (for 15 minutes, but I'll take it!)

A round of Yahtzee with Owen

A handmade gift and card from a friend

Chicken curry for dinner

No back talking, all compliant teenagers for one day

Sweatin to the Oldies with Maria, Hannah, and three 13-year-olds

Peanut Butter Cheesecake

A cup of tea to end the evening

Not a bad way to spend a birthday.

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.  Psalm 90:12


  1. Sounds like a great day! And I love the last pic of you and Maddie :) Love ya lots!


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