Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Today Hannah is 5.

As I feel on every one of our kids' birthdays, I can hardly believe how the time has flown.

And now, here she is on the brink of Kindergarten.  She is so ready to go. Sniff.

Hannah is our artistic soul.  In song, in decorating, in drawing, in creating.

And she loves to give it all away.  As her grandparents can attest to the many letters they have received in the mail and the gifts they get just about every time they see Hannah.  And little Noah in Africa, the boy that Hannah's preschool sponsors, would be getting gifts weekly if it weren't for the outrageous postage.

Hannah goes through life singing and skipping.  Literally.

She enjoys Hello Kitty, spaghetti, picking out multicolored outfits, painting and coloring, and Jesus.  She is always testifying at dinner devotions about Jesus living in her heart. Love.

Hannah, Happy 5th Birthday!  May you grow up into the young lady that God desires you to be, and that your life may bring Him all the glory!


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