February Lookback
February felt like the month of paperwork - filing taxes, registering
kids for school for next year, finding a new insurance carrier as ours
decided to drop us (hrmph...) amongst other various papers that needed
filled out and filed and mailed.
Secretly, I enjoy that stuff, but I can allow it to stress me out knowing there are timelines attached.
Thankfully, we had some good, non-paper work times between all the paper flying around.
Traveling to see my grandparents (it did my heart a world of good.)
3 generational engine building
And a first haircut.
Thank you, February. I enjoyed all of it.
Secretly, I enjoy that stuff, but I can allow it to stress me out knowing there are timelines attached.
Thankfully, we had some good, non-paper work times between all the paper flying around.
Traveling to see my grandparents (it did my heart a world of good.)
3 generational engine building
And a first haircut.
Thank you, February. I enjoyed all of it.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Madeline (and her precious Baby Pink Heart)!
Most of these decorating credits go to the 4 year old...
Kids loved Grandma Jane (of course!) and did a few Highlight magazines with her
LOVE this man
Heavy reading (I think the title was Aeronautical Engineering)
It was just a trim but it still felt big to me!
A Christmas gift from Grandpa - a model of an internal combustion engine (all assembly required)
the last 2 pics are my fav ( : good for you on attempting haircuts! movies & suckers go a long way at our house towards less tears during hair trimming because i am so slow!