While Owen was taking a nap, I tried an outdoor 'photo session' with Hannah. These are just some of my favorites. It's hard to believe that Hannah will be 4 months on Sunday (and we'll have been married 6 years!) Time does go by fast. Owen is starting to say more and more words and he's counting: 1, 6, 7 : ) Today he correctly identified 10 letters - which made me so excited! It's amazing how much their little minds pick up (and a little scary) What I find is so sweet is that Owen likes to pray. We always pray before meals and bedtime, but Owen also wants to pray before naps, before he gets a drink of water, and before he gets a second helping of food. What a good reminder for me to "pray without ceasing." Even in the little and mundane things, God still wants us to talk to Him - whether we are at work, taking a walk, or getting a second helping of food : )