Is your home secure...?
We all describe our homes in different ways and we all have different goals for what we want our home to be to us. But, one thing we can all agree on, is that we want our home to feel safe.
On average, Americans spend $20.64 billion on home security systems every year.
we want our homes to feel secure and we're willing to shell out the
money to make it that way. But while our homes may be physically safe,
how safe are they spiritually?
A century ago it was a lot simpler. You didn't let unknown people in your home, you could easily track which books, mail, or newspapers came in or out. You could turn off the one radio in your home if you didn't want your children to hear the news.
Today it's a lot more complicated with phones, internet, and television. You can monitor it all, but things can still creep through. All of these ‘voices’ speaking into our family's lives can wreak spiritual warfare on all of us.
So, while we have a handle on our latest alarm system for our windows and doors, let's consider what we can do for the doors of our family's hearts. Below is not an exhaustive list, but rather one that can spur you on in your own thoughts about how you can develop a spiritually secure home.
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