Every now and then I fall apart...












Is it just me or does it feel like things are falling apart lately?

Between the news that’s blasted, the politics that are squabbled over, the varying views on what is and isn’t a pandemic, and everyone’s plans for 2020 being put on hold or modified, it just feels like things are hardly staying together at the seams.

Some of these things are within our control: turn off the news, get off social media, cast your vote, put your plans in pencil instead of pen, wash your hands.

But those bigger things, those things that seem colossal and beyond what we can control, what do we do about those? What do we do when those things out of our control threaten to overwhelm us?


Always, 100% of the time, go to Truth.

He is the image of the invisible God…For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together… 

Colossians 1:15-17

Image 1

As I was driving today I noticed a lot more leaves on the ground. A storm blew through last night and knocked a bit of the colorful confetti to the ground. The cynical thought went through my head, “See? Even the trees are falling apart.”

But isn't that exactly how it's supposed to happen? To us it appears that things are ending, the leaves withering up, the tree “falling apart.” But it's happening exactly how it is supposed to. A renewal, a change, making way for something new. Without the color changes, the tree couldn't go into rest in the Winter, making way for beautiful blooms and leaves the following Spring and Summer.

Though so much of our life appears to take us by surprise, none of it surprises Him. We can only see this small part of a much bigger story, so we are so quick to think that we are the main character of the narrative. Rest assured, you are seen, you are loved, and your part of the story matters. But we’re each part of a much bigger story, and the All Knowing, who time does not dictate, is holding all of this together just as it should be.

It may seem scary, relinquishing control. But giving control to the One who sees all the way from the beginning to the end, and every single one of our stories in between, is the safest course to take. Because He holds all things together. And He works all things together for Good.

If you are feeling similar anxieties this week about the state of….well, everything, then I recommend picking up Colossians 1 and reading through it. Mediate on the words. Be thankful that the One who created thrones and dominions, rulers and authorities, also created you and me. Rest in His Redemptive work of reconciling himself to all things, in earth and heaven, through the work of the cross. And take heart in knowing, despite what the world wants to scream at us, that He always has, and continues to, hold everything together.

With intention,




Jesus Follower | Wife | Mom | Radical Giver | Seeking to live an Intentional Life and inspire others to come along with me in the Journey


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