August Lookback
August kept us running, literally and figuratively. It started out with a hustle as Paul and I both had jobs to help with the Annual Gateway Woods Benefit Auction. Sunup to Sundown that first week of August was moving. But the Lord brought the increase, as the Auction was able to bring in over $600,000 in around 6 hours time... Auction bled into school starting, which brought structure, but also brought the need to seek our quality time over quantity time as suddenly our schedules have us going a lot of different directions. But there were many reason to smile, to live in gratitude, and even laugh despite the rough spots. And I managed to get a few pictures in, too.
It can be kind of hard to describe, and pretty incredible all the volunteers to takes to make this come together, but this Auction amazes me year after year, as well as what God does with it.
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One thing I wasn't expecting to come out of this auction....three goats that now belong to us..... |
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We had one day together after Auction week before Paul headed back to school. So we hit the zoo one more time... |
Maddie has been asking for a haircut for awhile. I've attempted and failed, so decided I needed some professional help. No surprisingly, it turned out WAY better than I could do.
School supply shopping had a little entertainment along the way...
Last day of Summer Vacation, each Suvar had a friend over to play. It was so peaceful as each one had a friend and did their own thing. I got so much done! Note to self: I need to do this more often.....
First day of 6th, 5th, and 3rd grade
We had a chance to see our friends from Papua New Guinea as they are on furlough in the States. They aren't the greatest pictures, and Owen 'yelled' at me for taking pictures in church, but I had to capture the moment!
We had a decent crop of sweet corn this year. We took a few nights and worked as a team to get it all processed, bagged, and frozen.
Paul worked to get a place ready for the goats. We had one week until they arrived. Paul built their shed, fencing, milking station, and feeding troughs for free. He is kind of proving his point that he should hold on to everything because it might come in handy someday. So much for my hopes in cleaning out and purging the garage.....
Training for the half marathon for Team Bryer's Song is in full force. There have been a lot of hot and humid or hot and rainy runs in August. But having the motivation of running in memory of Bryer and in support of his parents keeps me moving. I would love your support, 100% of it goes to help families whose children are being treated at Nationwide Children's Hospital, just like Bryer. To donate, click HERE. And THANK YOU!!
Speaking of running, Owen and Hannah are both running Cross Country this year. I think what I love most about it is that we didn't push either into it. They both desired to do it on their own. Owen is looking so much stronger that he did just a couple months ago and Hannah is so fun to watch. She just thoroughly enjoys running and it shows. And now that the meets have started: I'm finding that I really like being a Cross Country mom...
Hannah placed 3rd out of 5th and 6th graders at her first meet of the season! Running 1.92 miles in 13:20.
I call them "garden surprise" but I'm guessing they are some type of Lily. They grow green leaves in the Spring, die off, and then these single stalks of flowers pop up in August.
Our figs started to ripen mid-August.
Tossing them in smoothies, eating them raw, and putting them on bacon, fig, arugula pizzas are a few of favorite uses
Something that I am realizing more and more as I do this business of mine, is how grateful I am for the platform it has given me. I am not passionate about skincare, I am passionate about the Great Commission. And this business has opened doors for conversations that I just never imagined that I would be having.
If you feel God is leading you onto an unconventional path. Take it. He will never steer your wrong.
August 24th is the day we celebrate us. This year it is 16. I've told Paul countless times how lucky I feel I am to have wound up with him (yes, I know luck has nothing to do with it!) I had no idea in 8th grade that this cutie would grow up to be a Godly man, who fiercely loves his wife and kids, and has integrity that is hard to match.
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