November Lookback

Oh, boy. I am behind. It was halfway through December when I realized I hadn't posted my November Lookback. So, I uploaded the photos....and am just now getting around to finishing it. Oy.

With it being two months ago I'm having a hard time remembering the details, sadly. Which is a great assurance to me that I need to keep posting these monthly lookbacks, even if I am the only one that reads them!  

He was very pleased with his "mohawk"
One morning, driving into work, the sun was just coming up directly in front of me. I don't make a habit of picture taking while driving....just this once, I promise.
Love those moments when the kids choose their own entertainment without me having to suggest anything. And all 3 played together. Definitely needed to take a picture of this moment.
Owen was asked to help at a ceremony for Veterans on Veterans Day.

Came out from church one Sunday and all the ginko leaves had fallen. Madeline exclaimed, "It's like the sun burst on the ground!" I'm glad I had my camera handy for this one.

Our chickens.  One of their favorite spots is our porch, which means I am constantly having to work to keep it clean (yay.)  It is kind of funny to see them peeking in the window at us, though.

November was the start of basketball season and Paul's run at "sportscaster" for the Blackhawk Braves. The eagle's nest doesn't give best view (rafters in the way) but it's a nice spot for the whole family to hang out.

The kids had the day before Thanksgiving off so Paul put them in charge of lunch. It was a bit smoky and the kitchen looked like something blew up, but I didn't have to cook, or clean up, so I wasn't going to complain.

The girls were into performing plays for a few weeks. We had a performance just about every night.

We had a few evenings where we were able to be outside before the sun set and before it got too cold. There is just something so delightful to me about spending the waning light outside.

Somehow I did not have a single picture of Thanksgiving (this wasn't my best month for pictures...) but the day following we got our tree up and did the tradition of eating pizza and watching Elf with just the light of the tree.


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