Keeping up....or choosing not to.

I've had this friend, well, I don't really want to call him a friend because he's never really been nice to me.  He makes me feel inferior, discontent, and just well, yucky.

I'm guessing you have this friend, too. It likes to hang onto my back, whisper in my ear and sometimes shows up at just the worst time.

Comparison. You know him? Yeah, sorry to meet his acquaintance.

But, sadly, I have not been able to shake him lately. It seems silly, really. Because when it comes to my life, well, I really like it.

I'm thankful for my Jesus, my husband, my children, my job, my house. And the list goes on. And in reality, I wouldn't change a thing. But comparison keeps showing up and telling me what someone else has and how my measly one just doesn't foot the bill.

I was mulling this around in my head today as I was coming back from a run.  And as I walked by our landscaping (or lack thereof) I had the thought, "Boy, the Joneses don't have to worry about us competing." But then it was quickly followed by, "Who cares what the Joneses think, and really, do the Joneses even know someone is trying to compete?!"

And thus, I came to conclusion of a blog series I am starting. I don't know the whole gist of it yet, but it will consist of pictures and stories about how my life is not going to keep up with the Joneses, and how your life doesn't need to either.

It's "The Counter-Jones: permission to let go of the have-to-have life"

I don't really dislike the Joneses, I'm sure their nice people, so I'm not anti-Jones. But I am going to go in the opposite direction of them, so Counter-Jones is where it's at.

And you know what? When I told myself that there wasn't anybody out there that I needed to be like except myself, that I didn't need anything else other than what I have right now, I felt release. And relief. It surprised me. I didn't realize how much angst I was holding onto just because I thought I needed to.

Why do we do that to ourselves?!

So when I post on the Counter-Jones life, it will correlate with frugality, purging of junk, non-consumerism, and debt free living. If any of those things interest you, I invite you along.

It won't always be pretty, and there will probably be more chaos, real life pictures than pretty, staged ones. But I like to be authentic so there it is.

And just so you don't think I'm dropping my cluttering challenge of 2017. It's still there! In fact, now that school is in full swing and our Zambia trip is in the rear window (sniff.) I'm ready to tackle it again. Looking over the list I think it's feasible to get it done in this year as planned. Some of the things I could scratch out since they didn't apply to us at all so that eliminated a few weeks right there! If you are wanting to find the list I'm following click here. I'm actually going off a list from 2015 so it may look different from her website. And I found there was a bit much on there to sift through, hence, my pared down version here.

And also so you know I do NOT have my act together. Sorry if I ever came across like I did! Here is my laundry room in all it's glory earlier today....4 months after I organized it (face palm).

 Just keeping it real.


  1. :) I occasionally repeat to myself,"This is not a magazine. We are living life here!"


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