Week 13: Tackle that Stack

At one point in time I had stacks and stacks of magazines.

Real Simple, Country Living, Dwell, This Old House, Food Network Magazine

These were my favorites.  And I kept every single issue.

And, once again, the Flood of 2013 took care of that stash.

And made me realize that I really didn't need to keep them around anyways.

But I really like flipping through magazines, having a stack waiting on me for weekends, road trips, and sitting outside in the sun.  And some of the articles are really good and I want to keep them. And some of the pictures inspire me and I want them around.

But I don't like the clutter they create so there are a few things I've done to tweak it so that I can still get my magazine flip-though fix and still have those articles and pictures around that I like.

1.  The library. Our local one has quite a bit to choose from so I can get my fix from there. PLUS, they haven't recently made it possible to check out magazines through my Kindle, so I can read them that way, too.

2.  This binder.  Magazines that I do get (I get a couple subscriptions as gifts) I flip through, and the articles and pictures that I really like, I tear out. I then slip them into clear sleeves in this binder.  That way I can easily find that certain article I was thinking about, instead of trying to remember which issue I read it in.

So, I pared down what had started to accumulate and this is what I have remaining. My two years worth of Dwell. I no longer get the magazine so that pile won't keep growing. There are so many pictures and articles in each of those issues that if I tried to rip them out and put them in my binder....well, it would be the whole magazine in there.

Also, only the past year's worth of This Old House.  As a new issue comes, the oldest one will get tossed out. That way this stash stays under control, but I'll still have a pile to flip through when I want.

On a totally unrelated note:

My fig tree. 

It was gifted to me last summer and I was instructed that when winter came I just needed to move it into a cold, dark garage and it would hibernate for the winter.

I did that.  And I thought for sure I killed it.  But, about a week ago, I noticed some green!

So, I moved it to our living room so it could start to get some sunlight.  It is so fun to see something you thought for sure was dead, start to grow and show signs of life.

I wonder if that is just a small bit of how God feels about us?


  1. Have you heard tim and Jenny's recent fig tree story? If not, ask her about it...I was encouraged


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