June Lookback

 Oh, my. I know I am not the only one because I have heard several people say it.

This summer went FAST.

When a 7 year old says that time went fast, then I know it is definitely true.

It was fast, but it was good.

Oh, so good.

I thought I was going to just combine June and July's Lookbacks because, well, just because. But there was just too many pictures to cram it all together, so I'll just do two back to back.

With school getting out just prior to Memorial Day, we had the whole month of June school-free.  Good thing, too, because we filled it up.

Science camp, basketball camp, Vacation Bible School, and family vacation.  We had 1 week in there where we didn't have anything planned and I was so thankful for that one week because that was the only one like that ALL summer.  Crazy.

It was full, but that's OK. And, well, I'll let the pictures tell the story.

Celebrated Donut Day with the only kind of donuts Hannah likes.

Hannah and Madeline had their end of year recital. Neither one was in the same performance out of that they were in so there was a lot of back and forth driving for the weekend!

 We Suvars never refuse a free thing so when a bunch of books were up for grabs you can bet we were on it.

 We didn't get there as much as we would have liked, but we got there whenever we could.
 Hannah took part in Camp Invention and had a blast. Creating and inventing all week long. Right up her alley.

 Almost 2 years ago I started my own side business so we could have funds to send to our missionary friends. I wasn't thinking I would get anything out of the deal other than the euphoric feeling you get from giving. But when I can earn sweet gifts like these just for washing my face and talking about it? Well, it's just the cherry on top.

 Playdates with dear friends

 Baseball game with Grandpa and Grandma

 Paul scored a smoker on a garage sale for $25. 
We've enjoyed several great tasting meals from it since.
 Found this cool looking moth one evening on a walk.

 Sprinklers + neighbors = delightful

 A local festival, benefiting Kate's Kart. Games, prizes, and free ice cream

 Celebrating Father's Day. I couldn't have found a better person to raise children with than this man.

 We continued our countdown to Zambia. It was so hard to believe it was really happening. Even through shots, plane tickets, packing and repacking luggage, it still didn't seem real.

 Had to get a few trips into the zoo under our belts.

 Packing for a road trip. Vermont with the whole Suvar family.
 First a stop in the Poconos for one night

 So, we climbed a mountain. Not the biggest one out there, I know. But it still felt good to persevere and make it to the top.

 Then the next day we took a slightly smaller mountain climb with the kids

 Frisbee Golf in the mountains is a bit tougher than the flat lands we are used to...

  When in Vermont, one must have Ben & Jerry's ice cream from their factory.

Sunset over the Green Mountains 

 Sister-in-Laws. I sure lucked out on this one.


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