Twenty-one years ago, I, the awkward, super-self conscious (who isn't at that age?!) 8th grader attempted to discreetly snap a picture of my crush with my pink 35mm camera while we were outside for Sports Day at the end of the school year. I was too shy to ever ask him for a school picture so I had to take one myself.

I took that roll of film to the local Alco, filled out the form, and waited one whole week for the film to be processed.

I held onto that picture, my only link to that cute boy, all summer long.  I resolved that 9th grade was going to be different. I was going to actually talk to that boy and maybe even get that boy to know that I existed.

First day of 9th grade, I said hello.

And he said hi back.

Two introverts, with occasional hellos and side glances, and finally a "will you go out with me" note in 9th grade Spanish class.

Of course I said yes.

4 years of high school, and then 2 years into college, we married.  

I find out after we've been married a few months that he has known since 10th grade that I was worth waiting around for.  Melt.

15 years ago, August 24th, we said "Yes."

6 addresses, 13 cars (we buy lemons...), 10 jobs, 3 kids, 1 God.

Some thought we were crazy, two 20 year-olds with less than a month's wages between us. We didn't have a clue what would lie ahead (who does?) but we knew we wanted to find out together.

We made God at the center from the very beginning.
And that has made all the difference.


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