Week 12: Perhaps the Grossest Place in the House

We have a child in our house who gets quite anxious over the thought of storms.  And, as it so happened, we had a tornado warning in the middle of the night a few weeks back.

This child has not really let go of that since.

Yesterday she got an idea to create a Tornado Kit so we are always at the ready...at least in her mind.

For us, we don't have a basement (boo.), so our place to go during a tornado warning is the kids' bathroom.  So, it made the most sense to have her disaster kit in that room.

Well, when it came time to figure out where to put it, I decided that this room needed a 'little' help so it was the next place to tackle in the declutter mission.

There are no linen closets in this house so when we moved into this house we had to come up with a solution. This IKEA cabinet was the pick for two main reasons:
1. It fit in the corner
2. It wasn't so big that we could just keep stuffing things in there. It created a small limit as to what we have and I like that.

That being said, we still managed to stuff quite a bit in there.

It doesn't help that this bathroom is the one that all 3 kids use on a daily basis.  To say it was a little gross is an understatement.

So, Hannah and I pulled everything out, determined what was in there that was never used and taking up space. Tossed a few expired items, donated a couple, and organized what was left.

Oh and we had to have a designated space for that Tornado Kit.

In keeping the bathroom uncluttered and simple I try to stick to a few things:
1. Each kid has their own towel. They are responsible for it. And, contrary to popular belief, it can be used more than once.  There are a few more towel we keep stocked for guests but only what will fit on those two shelves. Thankfully, towels are washable, so we don't have to have an infinite amount.

2.  Each week a different child is in charge of the bathroom upkeep. They are responsible for keeping the counter clean and the floor picked up during the week, and cleaning the bathroom on the weekend.

I actually feel like this room is a work in progress, and it probably always will be.  As these kids get older their messes are going to involve more than just tooth paste in the sink and clothes left on the floor.  We'll have to come up with something eventually to deal with teenage clutter.

But, for now, we'll work at keeping that tub clean so we have a place to go during storms...


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