February Lookback


What is there to say.

The month of hearts and Valentines and basketball and snow....er, well, for us it was all but the last one.

As is not the norm for this time of year, we managed to get outside quite a bit this month.

We also celebrated birthdays with both side of the family. Managed another date night, attended a boatload of basketball games, and generally lived life.

Some peoples lives have lots of exciting things happening. That may be our life someday.  But, for now, it's living with joy where we've been placed, working with what we've got, and shining the Light as bright as we can.

Here's our corner of the world in February....

 Madeline starts out the month for us....turning 7, much to her delight.

 Shortly thereafter we celebrated more birthdays with the Steffens

 Hannah...no explanation.

Valentines Day, and all it's school parties, were celebrated shortly after that.....

Plus, reminiscing 20 years with this guy.

 Our Valntines night: crows nest at a basketball game

 A few days later...more birthday celebrating with the Suvars (we had a lot of cake this month...)

 And I should be good on Cherry Chip cake for a bit....

 One of many afternoon/evening walks that the nice weather afforded us

 Even warm enough to hang up the birthday-gift-hammock outside
...And visit the park a few times

 Coffee dates...hoping they sit around and chat with me over a hot cup when their older, too

 This wasn't part of my childhood growing up, but now they symbolize the 'almost home' when going back to mom and dad's

 An unlikely use of Cheerios.  But this represents what God does with an outside-the-box 'yes.'  I started my skincare business just over a year ago. The first Cheerio represents what the first month of business brought in....1 year later - that stack on the right.  All God.
 And just a reminder, that not all things are rosy. Sometimes things go as planned.....and sometimes they don't....

And, finally, Owen wants his grandmas to see this...


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