December Lookback

December is always  a month full of pictures. So many things happening that I want to record.

I love the anticipation of December. The Advent. 

I love the coziness of lights and the joy and excitement of children during this month.

We had a bit of snow. We had a chance to see some lights. We had a chance to be together with family. All blessings in their own right.

There are a boatload of pictures, and that's even after I sorted and rooted out a few. Thanks for staying with me...
 Setting up the tree.....
Madeline's homemade nativity scene...

Getting quality time in with dear friends before they head back to Zambia....

 A dusting of snow at the beginning of the month. It was the first real bit of snow so Hannah was out there stat building what became a one-ball-snowman.

I came home from work one day and Owen was sweeping for me! My first thought was "what broke?" But he was just doing because he knew I would like it. Melt.

Madeline enjoyed playing Christmas music on our old record player. Here she is putting on a performance for her stuffed animals.

I have found in the past years that less is more when it comes to decorating for Christmas for me. Simple display on the shelves, Hannah and Madeline's handiwork on the wall.

Then we did get a decent snow, one that delayed school Monday morning, and we took the kids sledding on a Sunday afternoon.

Candy making with my mom

Getting fun gifts in the mail from Rodan+Fields - all for sharing skincare!

A short story written by Madeline


 One evening we went into town and the kids bought gifts at the Dollar Tree, we checked out lights at the zoo, and used fancy bathrooms at the mall.

Paul's project over break: Make a door for his office. Done.

 Christmas Cookie making and decorating on Christmas Eve

 A fairly decent picture of the kids Christmas morning. Yea!!

 Christmas with the Steffens on Christmas Day


 Kids got an overnight with Grandpa and Grandma Suvar while Paul and I...

 Went out to eat wit the Steffen grownups for our Annual Biaggi's date!

 Playing in the snow with dance ribbons

 Celebrating Christmas, and the having the Vilja dinner, with the Suvars on New Year's Eve

 Before all the eating we Suvar siblings and spouses took a 3 mile hike, knowing we were going to be consuming ALOT of calories later that day....

And so ends December, and 2016.

It was good. It was bad. It was grand and dull.

But all things are done to make us more like Him. So for that, I give thanks.


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