March Lookback

I confess, I have not been doing the best as of late with the blogging.  I miss the writing.  Putting the thoughts that bounce around in my head into words on a digital page.  But there are currently other things in my life that are taking precedence.  I only pray that when I have the time to sit and type that God will bring the words back to me.  Not so that I can impress others, but merely so I have in print these ideas that float in and out so quickly.

March was here. And then it wasn't.  It toyed around with us pretending to be Spring for 24 hours and then plunged us into snowy white Winter the next.  I have to give it credit, most of it's month consists of Winter, but when the last 3rd of the month rolls around, we are ready for the temps to increase a bit and the sun to stick around.
But, like other things in life, one must roll with the punches. So we found other reasons to be thankful when we couldn't be thankful for cold.
Most importantly, Easter, and all that it holds. The promise of new life. That beauty can come out of the ugly. That something once dead and lifeless can breathe again.
May we carry that reminder in our hearts long past the Easter season. That we too, are like the bare branches in Winter. In need of Redemption. To turn our dull brown sticks into limbs that bare gorgeous flowers, leaves, and fruit.
But only through Him.
In honor of Dr Suess: Wacky Wednesday

We held off for 9 years of children. But I swallowed my pride and we moved on up to the mini-van.  And, yeah, yeah, it's kinda nice.....

Our Seder Dinner

We had a couple beautiful snows that we knew wouldn't stick around. So, one night after dinner we went outside to enjoy it. Playing in the snow in the dark past bedtime. The kids loved it.

We had a chance to get to know fellow Christ-followers that we hosted in our home for several days. It was a step out of our comfort zone but totally worth it.

We followed Paul and his radio announcing gig on the tournament trail. Press badges, separate entrance, and free food afterward!

Easter with the Steffens and a group shot of EVERYONE. Epic.

Celebrating my dear Aunt Marcia

Easter with the Suvars. One of the nice days in March weather-wise. 
Even had a chance for an Easter Egg hunt.

Glimpses of Spring...

I love my tribe. The End.


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