January Lookback

It may be a few years before I can think of January without shuddering.

January 2014 has scarred me and at times I have emotions that come back to me, reminding me of that dark time.

But, thankfully, God redeems in the hard and while I shudder, I can also lift my hands in thankfulness, knowing God makes beauty our of messes.

January was a march of God showing up in little ways that spoke in BIG ways.

He showed up in the little gifts of an ordinary day.

A love note passed across church (gasp!)

Three Suvar children playing together without argument (double gasp!)

A celebration of 34 years

Another celebration of retirement after 40 years of devoted work.

A quick dance in the kitchen to our favorite love song.

Multiple dance parties in the living room.

Spending time up in the crow's nest while Paul plays sportscaster.

A field trip with Hannah and getting to see her spend time with her best friend.

Helping in Madline's class for her 100 day party.

Having one of our 'big kids' over for supper.

Getting one more chance to say goodbye to dear friends as they head overseas.

A snuggle from our resident snuggler, Madeline.

Grandpa reading to the granddaughters.

A 100% on a spelling test from our resident terrible speller, Hannah. 

A reminder that although most things that our resident Minecrafter Owen talks about is not of my interest, this is the time to sit and listen - to show that I am willing to listen in the easy, for someday will come the hard....

And now we have rolled into February.  There is still much of winter left, despite Phil not seeing his shadow earlier this week.

We didn't have much for snow days, much to teacher Paul's chagrin.  But we were thankful for the easily traveled roads and lower heating bills.

And this house is praying for a snow day....or two.


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