Suvar Christmas Letter 2015

 For the last 4 years we have taken the money that we would have paid for Christmas cards, pictures, and postage and put that money towards a charity.  For the last three years that money has gone to World Vision to buy a goat and few chickens for a family in poverty.

This year our money went to Zambia.  Our friends Erik and Carrie live and work there.  They were looking to raise funds to help put tin roofs on the houses of families in the local village close to where they live.  Most houses have cardboard and piecemeal tin for roofs, which of course does not hold back the 3 feet of rain they get over their rainy season.

If you would like to help them out as well, go to this link:

So instead of a picture in the mail with a happy holiday greeting, you get this update. And a picture quickly taken this past summer when I said “everyone get over here, I want a picture of all of us together!”

Owen is 9 and is in 3rd grade.  He is reading books at a high school level and building fantastic creations with his Legos.  He’s recently discovered Minecraft which is a whole ‘nother thing that I don’t understand and patiently listen as he explains it all to me.  Hannah is 7 1Ž2 and is in 2nd grade this year.  Hannah is our in-house artist and singer.  Daily she is making things with random recyclables and markers and glue.  She needs her own studio with the amount of "art" she is pumping out.  All of her requests, questions, and stories are made to us through song and melody.  Sometimes it takes 3 minutes to tell us something that really only takes 30 seconds, but at least there is entertainment through it all.  Madeline is nearly 6, in Kindergarten, and has quite the personality.  She is the most independent and headstrong of the three.  She loves to color and draw and cuddle on the couch and makes us laugh daily with the little things she says and does.

In June, Paul finished up his first year of teaching with much singing and rejoicing from me.  Having put in more hours in 8 months than a full time job does in 12, I was so very thankful to have him around for the summer.  There was still lesson planning to do, but we enjoyed some respite through the summer months. I continue to work for Gateway Woods as the Secretary in the Foster Care Department. I love being the support behind the department as we license foster parents and support them as they take care of hurting children.

We thank you for your prayers and want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.  We are so thankful that so many years ago Jesus was willing to come to earth and live a human life, devoid of sin, and die on the cross for each of our sins.  We don’t deserve His sacrifice on our behalf, but we are SO very thankful for it!

A very Merry Christmas and a joyful, Happy New Year!


The Suvars

Paul, Nichole, Owen, Hannah, and Madeline


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