October Lookback

It's no secret around here that October is my favorite month.

It does not contain my birthday or anniversary. 

But it contains the season I love the most.  Autumn: it appeals to all the senses.

In the midst of enjoying the beautiful fall weather and colors and smells and sounds, we managed to pack a lot into the 31 days.

And thankfully I had my camera out to catch quite a bit of it along the way...

 Though we had a few dips into freezing temperatures, we also had some pretty warm days.  Managed to make it through the month without having to fire up the furnace or woodstove.

 But the warm weather confused a few things and our crab apple started blooming again.  Don't know what that means for next spring.

 Owen did another season of Fall Baseball

 Enjoyed the way morning light comes in the side door window

 Got together for the Annual Columbus Day weekend bash.
A few birthdays were celebrated as well.

 The girls love holding the younger cousins, despite the fact that the younger cousins DO NOT want to be held

A few days later, celebrating Owen at home

 The kids' school has a semi-annual roller skating party.  Everyone else skates...and I take the pictures and try to keep my toes from getting run over.

October of course brings the Columbus Marathon.  It's looked forward to with much anticipation for a variety of reasons.  A weekend away with just Paul, plus the exhileration of finishing the race, as well as raising money and showing support for Nationwide Children's Hospital.

To top it all off, Paul ran a qualifying time for Boston.  Chances are slim that he will actually be able to run at Boston, but he qualified none the less!

October also brings Gandparents Day at the kids school.  The kids look forward to this for months beforehand.  Program in the morning, an entire afternoon spent doing whatever they want with grandparents - who wouldn't want to do that?!

With the pleasant weather we were able to do a few "campfires" and several evening walks.  
Soaking up Autumn.

 To end the month, we took a weekend road trip to Nashville, TN with some friends.
2 nights in a hotel with a pool, hiking in the hills, and hanging out in the hallway while our kids went tosleep (this led to us meeting a group of 11 year olds who were quite interested in our lives and ended with them doing a dance routine for us in the hallway at 10:30 at night...)

October didn't disappoint. 

And now we head into November and the beginning of family get-togethers, delicious food, cozy nights under lots of blankets.

Sounds delightful to me.


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