September Lookback


That was the sound of September flying by.

We got into the groove of school. 

And started up some new things:  ballet for the girls, Cub Scouts for Owen, announcing sporting events (soccer and volleyball) for Paul, and me just making sure everyone is fed and where they are supposed to be.

It's put a special kind of pace into life, but so far we're just dipping the toes into things, knowing we want to keep family, not events, first.

Speaking of family, we had opportunities to spend time with both sides of ours.

A Birthday Party/Slumber Party with my family.

A Race-Running/ Camp Fire Weekend with Paul's.

Fall was welcomed with open arms.  The cooler, crisp air.  Deep blue skies.  And hints of colors in the trees.

September was full.  Full and good.

Maddie joined the lost tooth club!  She was so scared and worried about the pain that would happen when her tooth would come out.  But it ended up falling out while she brushed her teeth and she didn't even notice.

My parents with all the grandkids.  I don't think this one made the Christmas Picture cut.

Vanessa Nichole.  So much to love.

A blissful Sunday afternoon in the sun.  Paul working on lesson plans, me reading a book, the kids riding bikes around the drive.

Suvar Campout Weekend:  a few of us ran a local 10K race, the ladies and kids toured an Art Festival, we celebrated birthdays, and enjoyed lots of time around the campfire...

and, oh, yeah, a parachute.  of course.

The first hints of Fall - yea!

And the chalkboard wall makes it's appearance again.  This time with one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite songs (The Cost: Rend Collective).


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