August Lookback

August: the month of transition.

We work to move our free-spirit Summer-mode lives into the schedule-demanding School-focused existence of the school year.

Parts of us welcome the change.  Consistent bedtime.  Meal plans.  Uniting with friends we haven't seen all summer.

But parts of us still want to linger in the sunshine.  Soak up a bit more of that fresh, if albeit, humid air.  We desire to stay up late and sleep in until the sun wakes us up.

But oh, we need structure.  As much as we tell ourselves otherwise, we feel safe in the routine.

And so, the first two weeks of August consisted of getting the most we could out of what we had left of Summer Vacation.

A pool day, hanging out and talking for hours with good friends who at this time next year will be adjusting to life as missionaries in Papua New Guinea.

School supply shopping, last trip to the zoo, eating out at Burger King and playing in the their indoor slides.

Wrapping up house projects, feeling like we finally made some progress of some things (yea for small steps!)

Cookouts around the fire-pit, make s'mores for dessert

Collecting produce from the garden, enjoying the 10 foot sunflowers

And then came the last two weeks.

School.  And adjusting to the routine.

Thankful for the start of another school year with 3 healthy young Suvar's and a grown up one, too.

And as we roll into September and what it has to bring (yea, Fall!) we bring it all back to the One.

Lay our thankful lives at His feet.  Thankful for the Summer Sunshine of August and the Crisp Autumn Air of September that is to follow.

 The view from the front porch.  Thankful that perennials are taking root and growing.

 This is for my sister, Michelle.  She gave us a cow's heart (!?) and Paul grilled it (!?!?) and then we all ate some it (!?!?!?!?)  It was....interesting.  Thanks, Michelle...

 And celebrating 13 years with this guy.  So very thankful to God for putting us together over 18 years ago.  And thankful for His faithfulness through it all.


  1. Someday it will be fun to see your house, and the cow heart sounds really gross!!!!


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