One more farewell

She's been around awhile.

A month shy of 2 years to be exact.

She was trying to escape the demons, the past that haunted her.  I think it took the first year for her just to get a glimpse of the sunshine, to realize there was something better than where she was at.  To discover that you can't just hide the past, sometimes you have to face it head on to defeat it.

But now, as she is on the brink of returning home for good, I am so very thankful for the changes we have seen in her.

The biggest change?  She knows Jesus.  And well, the rest of the changes follow, right?

She's not perfect.  But then none of us are.

We all still have our struggles, our sins, that try to pull us back under.  But if we have Jesus, we have hope.

Having someone live with you for 2 years, you can't help but feel like they are part of your family.

And having spent 1/8 of her life with us, I think she may feel like a part of ours, too.

But she's headed to her home with her family.  I know there are going to be tough times, but I also know that she has learned new skills, learned new behaviors, learned new ways to cope.

My prayer for her (and every kid who has left our home in the past) is that she will not forget what she has learned here.  Most of all that Jesus loves her, has died for her, and no matter what sort of mess she's gotten into, Jesus will always take her back (amazing grace!)

We love you, "Daughter,"  and although you have to move on, a bit of you remains with us.  We are praying for you and cheering for you as you begin the rest of your life.

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.  It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are a partaker with me of grace... Philippians 1:6+7

*Pictures used with permission


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