May Lookback

Yeah, yeah, we are well into June.  But I say it's never too late for a little reminiscing.  May was pretty full with packing and finalizing things for our departure from Gateway.  Looking at life on the outside of houseparenting is seeming a bit daunting, but we press on (I see a future post coming on that one!)  Saying goodbye to the space we called home for over 3 years (the longest Paul and I have lived in one place in our 12 years of marriage.)

May was full, but good.

This summer is bound to be different from any summer we have lived so far.  Anxious and excited as we stand on the brink of it!

Paul and I got away for a much anticipated weekend to celebrate birthdays - a Red's game for him and an IKEA trip for me!  We got the cheapest seats and got to sit at the very tip top in the extreme corner.  Got a great view of the river as well.

The cheap hot dogs we waited 30 minutes in line for.  Worth it.

Love finding these little notes laying around.

Gateway Woods School play.  Had to raid the candy jar after the performance.

Let's pose for a Mother's Day picture...or not.

Took in a Tin Caps game - Owen and Hannah got free tickets from a reading program through school.

LOVING the new park in Leo

And.  The Move.  We are officially in our "new" home.  The play room - the one room that was not affected by the Flood of January 2014.


  1. wow, what a play room! prayers are with you in your transition : ) Mandy


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