November Lookback

November happened so fast.  I think I blinked and it was over.

But somewhere in there I managed a few pictures, many of which may need explanation...

 Maddie can waste SO much time at lunch, she will spend forever "eating."  This is what she did with her lunch one day when left to her own devices...

 All three kids came running up one day, begging to rake leaves.  Let me think, ummm, yes.

 One of Hannah's "experiences" (i.e. experiments)  Snow, green food coloring, egg whites, and flour.  It started oozing out the top after two days.... Oh, and can you tell it is a dinosaur?

 Maddie lined up all her animals and dolls and gave them a solo recorder concert.  
It.  was.  legendary.

 What we've been doing lately with the few free evenings we get a month - Dance Party!

And we ended the month with the 22+lb turkey, raised by Paul and our 3 kiddos.  
And it was pretty delicious, too.


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