January Lookback

 If December was a month of struggling to surface in the waves of constant change, January was a chance to cling to a life preserver and take a few breaths of fresh air.  Who knows what February holds, but I thank God for January.

Birthdays.  Playing chess.  Reading books. Enjoying the snow.

*Deep breath* Sigh.  Loved it.  All of it.
Paul's 31st birthday on the 11th. 
 Paul designed and bought shirts for all of Cypress House: residents, Houseparent kids, and Houseparents.  I think they were a hit.
 I think the game ended in a tickle-fight so I guess it was a tie.
 Love that Owen is learning to read and that he enjoys it!
 Four family birthdays to celebrate with the Steffen's for January/February
 Two 3-year-olds.  The brunette...
 ...and the blond.
 The gift of a baby doll was a BIG hit.  Her name?  Summer Squirrel.
 Skating on the frozen reservoir...
 ...along with some hockey
and of course a meal cooked in the bathroom.


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