the instrument and the musician

Today it has been 4 years.  It one way it feels like this has been our way of life forever.

It other ways it feels like we just started doing this.

We have been living/working at Gateway Woods for 4 years.

As this organization's motto states, we are in the business of turning lives around.  Helping change families for the better.

This may be a bad PR move, but the truth is, in the 4 years we have worked here








Except maybe ourselves.

Because, the truth is, we are not the ones who make others change.

We just work at introducing these kids to the One who can help make that change.

Oftentimes I forget this. We had a great reminder this past week when the houseparents on campus got together.

God does not need us.

There it is.  To some it may offend you (what? I'm not needed? I thought I was important in this work of Christ!)  Others, you may be relieved (whew! sounds good.  I'll just sit in my little world a bit longer then if you're not needing my right now...)

But it doesn't stop there.  He doesn't need us but he wants to use us.  We were created BY God, FOR God.  To glorify Him in our actions and words.  He wants to use us, although He could do all His work all by himself. 

We can put ourselves on a pedestal sometimes thinking that we are the ones saving souls.

Ahem.  We are the instruments.  Not the musician.

No one is nearly as impressed with the piano as they are with the pianist. 

Same goes for this miracle of salvation.  This isn't about us.

It's all about Him.

This video puts it into better words than I can do. (thanks, Sarena, Nicole, Maria, and Amanda!)


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