In the grand scheme of things

It has not been the most stellar of weeks.

Blowups, meetings, hard attitudes, new kids in the house.


But my focus shifted when shortly after lunch today I heard about the shootings in Connecticut.  I got chills through my whole body and tears started streaming down my face.

I found my two daughters in the next room and hugged them tight.  I waited in anticipation for the next 2 hours for my son to return home from school.

From Kindergarten.

There are mommies and daddies tonight who are not going to get to snuggle their children into bed tonight because of the tragedy that happened at that elementary school this morning.

My heart aches for those families of those that died today.

And in the grand scheme of things, with as stressful and tiring my week has been, I still got to tuck my children into bed tonight.

We are not promised tomorrow.  None of us are.  But we have this moment. 

And I need to make the most of each moment.

With my children.

With my husband.

With the kids we serve daily.

My prayer is that through this tragedy hearts are turned to God.  That people realize that life is not forever and that this world does not have a lot of good to offer.

But our God does.

And He is still in control.


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