August look-back

August was exhausting.  By the end of the month, I felt like we had crammed about 8 weeks into the 4 supposed weeks that made up August.  I'm not sure what made it that way but I have a few theories:

-Auction Week

-post-vacation recovery (yeah, no one's feeling sorry for me on that one!)

- sending our oldest offspring off to Kindergarten

-bringing 3 new residents into our house in a span of 8 days

-saying goodbye to our alternate houseparents as they leave Gateway for greener different pasture

I think it was a combo of all those things.  I am actually kinda fatigued thinking back through it all.  But, I'm thankful that God built in nighttime so that our bodies can at least stop for a few hours and recharge (though, sometimes those hours are fewer than others!) Despite the exhausting circumstances, I managed to take a few pics of some of the events of August.

I'm ready for September to bring us a bit more gentle of a schedule.  So far, not so.  But fall is around the corner, and I can always find rejuvenation in that crisp fall air. Sigh...

I guess I am not the only one who is tired.  Hannah fell asleep like this one day.

Auction Week!  The view outside our front door.

Camping in the backyard in our "new" tent

Trying to keep my emotions in check on Owen's first day of Kindergarten

All set to go!

Steffen Family Campout - it was great sleeping weather

Went to see a war reenactment at the Old Fort in downtown Ft Wayne

Thankful for the time we had to work with the Beer's


  1. i will pray that you will get some more relaxed days to recoop. it sounds quite exhausting!!


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