Happy Birthday, Madeline!

OK, I really just want to go back in time for just a moment and smell that sweet newborn smell and snuggle that soft skin.  Sigh.  Then I'll be back, I promise.
 Two.  Years.  Old.
 Seems like she was just born and here we are two years later.  The Grandma's came over and treated us with their presence (and lunch!)  Thank you, Mom(s)!
 I made red velvet cupcakes and we sang 'Happy Birthday.'  Maddie managed to wait until we were done singing before blowing out her candles.
 Madeline, we love you, and are so glad you are a part of our party of 5.  You are in continuous motion, running everywhere, and love to explore every little part of your world.  You are always ready to give hugs and kisses and are sensitive to your siblings when they are sad.  You have quite the vocabulary for your age and make us laugh daily (and shake our heads sometimes, too) with the antics that your pull.  You already have a memory verse that you recite with glee: "Ceasing!" (Pray without ceasing.) and you are infatuated with everything Elmo (good thing you got two for your birthday!).  May you grow up in the knowledge of God and grow to know Jesus as your Savior, that your life may bring Him glory.  Happy Birthday, Madeline!


  1. I CANNOT believe she is two. Makes me realize again how fast pierce is growing.


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