Planning....and it's disappointments

Sometimes life doesn't really go as planned.

I didn't really have to say that - you know.  i know it.

But sometimes acknowledging it makes me feel a little better about the fact that life doesn't really go as planned.  For some reason i so often think it's supposed to.  Even if life continues to prove otherwise.

This week started with some much anticipated time off.  We were on duty for 9 days - 6 of those without school (thank you Thanksgiving vacation!).  But things went, for the most part, smoothly, and we were headed into the week faced with a few days to not have to worry about anything but our own children and whether i should changed out of my pj's before or after breakfast lunch.

The original plan was for me to spend all of Monday helping my mom make Christmas candies.  Something i was really looking forward to.  Alas, not to be.

Tuesday night we were supposed to spend the evening with my parents (sans children) at a fancy restaurant (their treat!)  Alas, not to be.

When we thought we were going to hop in out car and head home after some Christmas shopping, was actually a VERY flat tire in a slushy, cold snowstorm.  Sigh. Life doesn't always go as planned.

But those upsets are minor compared to other life upsets that some other people i know are unexpectedly facing.

This week my grandparents are uprooting themselves from their independence and moving into an Assisted Living/Nursing Home Community.  What was something that was 'down the road a bit' or quite possibly 'never going to happen' suddenly became reality.  Life doesn't always go as planned.

In October, our sweet co-worker and friend was suddenly faced with a life-threatening and rare disease which called for a bone marrow transplant ASAP.  She had to leave a job and community that she was just getting used to (only 7 weeks in!) and move to live in a hospital for a period of time.  She's still there, recovering from a transplant and praying to go home soon.  Life doesn't always go as planned.

This morning when we thought we were going to see all the resident's off to school, we were met with obstinacy and a proud spirit.  We are currently praying for a soft heart and humility.

Thankfully I can fall back on the one thing that doesn't change and has always gone as planned.  My God is constant, in control, and always ready to take me back when i try to take the reins and make life go the way i want it to.  I have a hard time being able to 'roll with things' when i have plans for things to go a certain way. 

But thankfully I can find truth that reminds me that:
My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways 
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Whew! Thank goodness.

How about you?  What isn't going your way?  Can you look through the disappointment and see how God is working it out for your greater good?


  1. Doesn't all of this just make you long for Heaven, though, and knowing how perfect everything there is going to be?


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