Whoo Hoo!

Paul.  I really caught myself quite the catch when I married him.  Paul is selfless and humble in every sense of the word.

And for the last year has been working like crazy to complete his Masters Degree.

And I bet some of you didn’t even know that, and if you did, it’s only because I was the one who told you.

Let me paint the picture for you:  Last November Paul enrolled in a Graduate’s Program to obtain his Master’s in Education.  This has been something that he has wanted to do for the last 10 years and he finally was able to make it reality.  So, for the last year, with a fulltime job, demanding wife, and 3 children under 4, Paul worked away at achieving that degree.
There were many late nights and hundreds of sighs but the last long haul came in mid-August when school started. 

Paul started his student teaching.  Which means he:
Got up every morning at 5 AM to do lesson plans and get to school early
Taught 6 high school math classes to 9th -12th  graders (which means he came up with the lesson plans for each, created all the tests and quizzes, and did all the grading himself)

Returned to the house at 4PM where he stepped into the role of husband, dad, and houseparent

9:30-11:30 PM Worked on lesson plans, and grading papers, and making up tests/quizzes, and completing his college classes

And, oh, yeah, and he was training to run a half-marathon so he had to fit running somewhere in there….like 11:30 at night.

So, yeah, for the last 12 weeks Paul has led a crazy, stressed out life with a very full plate and he never took it out on any of us.



And seriously, for a human being, that is quite impressive.
So, I just wanted to put the holler out to my husband.  Paul, I know you don’t think much of yourself, but I sure do!  I love you and I am so very proud of you for how you have a goal and you go at it and work at it until you accomplish it.

Now he just needs to pass his portfolio defense and he has his Master's Degree!  Whoo hoo!


  1. Way to go, Paul! We are so excited that you are almost done!! We're proud of you!

    Miss you all.

  2. Go Paul!!! Husbands are fabulous :)

  3. oh my goodness. congrats paul! you & nichole make such a great team ( :

  4. I love a swoony husband story! Mine is always so good to us, too. Amazing the way they don't gripe. (It's humbling, really.)

  5. Prayer does work...We have been on our knees while you have either been studing or running, which ever. We are thankful and proud to the fact that when you are determined, even your faith, you have never waiverd as a Father and Example of a Humble Father.

    Congratulations...Dad & Mom Steffen.


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