Someone stop the train...

i need to get off and take a nap...

Well, we are 6 weeks into this fulltime gig at Gateway (and 5 of those have been summer, mind you!) and i would like to go somewhere and take a nap for an entire day.

But alas, that is not going to happen so....

I'll just post some pictures and update you on life.

We are all moved into our little apartment that is attached to the main house. I like the coziness of it and the fact that we have our own stuff and a private place to retreat while we are on duty (something we did not have while being alternates). Our kids are loving living on campus and being able to be out in the big house with the residents.

Days start here shortly after 6 as either Paul or I get up to go run (we're training for a 1/2 marathon, we've got to fit it in somewhere..). Then we get our kids up and ready for the day before greeting residents at 9:10 for breakfast. After dishes are done, the residents and Paul head off to work for an hour and half or so - usually landscaping or mowing. This gives me a chance to do some secretarial work (there's a lot of paperwork that needs done for the residents), read a few books to our kids, and plan out lunch. After lunch the residents head off to summer school (thank you Gateway teachers!!!) for a little less than 3 hours which gives Paul and i a chance to plug into our own children for a little bit. By 4:00 the residents are back and we are heading into the evening with supper and whatever activities we can come up with the fill the time until the residents head back to their rooms at 9.

That is a short rendition without all the blood, sweat, and tears added in.

I am definitely being stretched in this job as i am learning, constantly learning, to put God first, others second, and myself last. I always need to remind myself that this life is not about me - it's about God and bringing Him the glory.


  1. I totally believe in the "I"m third" philosophy, but in the line of work you're in, be careful that there's some of you left to put third! It must be really difficult to know when you can/should say "NO," and when you should say, "That's it, I'm heading to my cousin Tonia's for a long weekend!"

    I read a really thought provoking entry in My Utmost... not too long back on this topic. I'll try to find it and send you the important bits.

    Love you.

  2. I found it more quickly than I thought I would.

    It's from June 19th, if you own the book and want to look up the whole thing for yourself. Here' the part I was thinking of when I read your post.

    "If I am devoted solely to the cause of humanity, I will soon be exhausted and come to the point where my love will waver and stumble. But if I love Jesus Christ personally and passionately, I can serve humanity, even though people may treat me like a 'doormat.' The secret of a disciple's life is devotion to Jesus Christ, and the characteristic of that life is its seeming insignificance and it's meekness."

    Of course, once you have it figured out what that looks like- you should let me know, because, as usual, I don't quite get it!

  3. Thanks for the update, Nichole! Good to hear about your new normal and glad it sounds like you are settling in! Love you guys!


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