What we've been up to...

We've kept ourselves busy this summer. I can hardly believe we are almost to the end of July. We didn't have any vacation planned (a trip with 3 children under 3 didn't sound like a vacation! :) but we took several days off to just enjoy some family time and it has been wonderful. We have a little blow-up pool that the kids (and Paul) enjoy playing in. We took a trip to the Ft Wayne zoo one day and met the Grandma's there. Hannah has been working on potty training. Which has been going really well. She likes to have her toy trains "watch" her while she uses her potty and you can see a couple of them in the foreground of the one picture (disturbing? maybe.) Maddie is progressing to solid foods and is working on sitting up on her own. She rolls both ways and is in the first stages of trying to be mobile. I've enjoyed the days of hanging clothes outside on the line and had to take a picture. This is just 2 days worth of clothes! between maddie learning to eat and hannah learning to use the potty, we go through a lot of clothes. I'm still plugging away at my training to run a half-marathon this fall and am now up to 9 miles. With my job of parenting, God continues to call me to improve on my patience, mercy, and self-discipline. But thankfully, He's not finished with me yet :)


  1. such sweet, idyllic pictures.

  2. 3 under the age of 3 is super busy but rewarding too ( : it sounds! keep up the good work Nicole! aren't we glad God's not finished with any of us yet ( :


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